
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Green Bean Harvest

As the kids & I were taking a walk this morning around the mission, we came by the green bean garden and saw how many beans there were! Cutlet wanted to pick some, and I figured if we didn't help ourselves soon, they would go to waste. So we got our plastic bags and returned to the garden to harvest some beans. We looked for the long and slender ones... not too small and not too big. I love tender green beans! The ones we find in the market here in Pucallpa are always so huge and tough.
After getting back to the house and washing them up, I went ahead and blanched the majority to freeze. We probably gathered about 2 pounds. 

For blanching green beans:
  • Bring a big pot of water to boiling
  • Dump in rinsed green beans & start timer for 3 minutes
  • Meanwhile fill a sink full of cold water & add ice cubes to make really cold
  • When the timer goes off, quickly drain the green beans and transfer them to the cold water bath until completely cool
  • Drain & package in freezer bags
I kept out a few fresh ones to have with lunch today and then divided my blanched beans into 3 quart-sized freezer bags. I'm so excited to have garden-fresh veggies!!!

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